The Xoulomon Kyng Group

Xoulomon Kyng Group is a business servicing firm with core expertise in business       negotiations and strategy. For almost a decade, we have provided innovative business     intelligence and strategic negotiation solutions to our esteemed clients.

With cutting edge ideas and innovative products, the Xoulomon Kyng advantage has always been a superior strategic option.

We have provide training and consulting services in business strategy and negotiations. Our team of seasoned professionals works closely with your team for an amazing strategic navigation experience.


Our products

The complexity and increasing dynamism of the business environment has mandated TXKG to craft and customize our products and services to meet the needs of our clients no matter the industry.

At TXKG we pledge that our products and services provide instant and traceable solutions, and the impact to bottom line has been described as terrific. At TXKG, we believe in excellent results now

Our Vision


To be Africa’s foremost oral and conceptual business servicing firm, adding value to people and organizations world over



Our Mission

Providing excellent oral and strategic mental solutions to our customers and clients



At the txkg, it is surely……


……….Excellent Results Now

